
Sarah Hamaker's book Ending Sibling Rivalry: Moving Your Kids From War to Peace is out now!

Here's what others are saying about Ending Sibling Rivalry:

“Do you struggle with sibling rivalry? Check out Ending Sibling Rivalry. It’s full of practical ideas that you will definitely use! You will love the chapter on conflict because it won’t overwhelm you; instead it will give you small specific things to do to turn conflict into support.” --Author and speaker Susan A Yates

Hired @ Home
Hired @ Home: The Christian Woman's Guide to Working From Home (DPL Press) gives the reader an insider's view on how to create a home-based business or work-from-home job. The book addresses the unique challenges and opportunities for Christian women who want to work from home.

An updated version of Hired @ Home is available on Kindle and Smashwords.

Ready to work from home but want some concrete ideas to get started? Check out HomeWork, which lists 50 real jobs or businesses you can do from home, such as accountant, blogger, concierge, herb seller, mystery shopper, online survey taker, recruiter, transcriptionist, and wedding planner. Also included are tips on how to prepare, get your foot in the door and what education or skill is needed, plus most listings have testimonies from real people who do the job.

HomeWork is available on Kindle and Smashwords.

Boredom Busters
If you’re tired of hearing your children say, “I’m bored,” then check out Boredom Busters! Organized by categories that include Indoor, Outdoor, Game, Solitaire and Silly, these ideas will spur your elementary-school-age children to entertain themselves with minimal adult assistance.

Boredom Busters is available on Kindle and Smashwords.
Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises