
Sarah Hamaker of Parent Coach NoVa can speak on a variety of topic, including the following:

The Well-Behaved Child
These stand-alone sessions will help free your child from the burden of misbehavior—and have a happier kid and a calmer home in the process. Ideal for parents of children between the ages of 3 and 13. Session topics include the 7 Essential Parenting Tools, Practical Solutions to Top Behavior Problems, and the 7 Fundamentals of Effective Discipline.

Parenting With Love and Leadership Webinars
Do your children listen to you? Are you constantly involved in power struggles with your kids? We can help! Parent Coach NoVa and NoVa Traditional Parenting present “Parenting With Love and Leadership,” a four-part online webinar designed to help parents become more confident in their child-rearing.

Speaker Bio:
As a certified Leadership Parenting Coach™, Sarah Hamaker guides parents in identifying, discussing and correcting bad parenting habits. Sarah also assists parents in learning successful behaviors absent from their current child-rearing repertoire. She answers reader questions in a weekly parenting column on Fairfax City, as well as blogging about parenting on her website, Sarah's book Ending Sibling Rivalry: Moving Your Kids from War to Peace is scheduled for release from Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City in October 2014.
Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
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