Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Flexibility Tops Pay

It's no surprise for those of us who work from home that flexibility is high on the list of reasons why we choose not to go into an office, but 42 percent of working adults would willingly give up 6 percent of their salary for more workplace flexibility, according to a recent survey.

For me, being able to put aside my work and tend to a boo-boo or read a story with my children is priceless. Scheduling my writing around my family's schedule means I'm there when I'm needed.

I'm thankful that my husband's office has a certain amount of flexibility, too, which means we can have a home life that suits our family.

So embrace the flexibility of your at-home work and enjoy knowing you can have it without taking a pay cut.

Until next time,

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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises