Tuesday, March 20, 2012

When To Give It Away

For small businesses, knowing when offering something for free can be a good return on investment can be a tricky thing. CBS's Moneywatch recently listed several reasons when giving it away can be a good thing for small businesses.

As a thank-you gift. To show your appreciation to loyal or frequent customers, giving away something along with a note thanking them for their service, can go a long way to establishing continued patronage.

As a way to apologize. We all make mistakes, and, after fixing one caused by your error, offer the customer a little something extra to smooth over any still-ruffled feathers.

As a prize. People love to win things, so try running random-drawing contests for your customers a couple times a year. Make sure the prize is worthy of attention to make it extra special.

As a random act of kindness. Sometimes, bestowing a gift on a customer or client "just because" can reap rewards beyond the gift. Those random gifts can trigger much good will and positive word-of-mouth.

For more ideas, check out "Sell more stuff by giving it away."

Until next time,


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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises