Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Importance of Shut-Eye

Let’s face it: We could all use more sleep. The bad news is that we’re more likely to forgo sleep than food, especially when recent studies have found that we need sleep more than food to function properly, according to the Harvard Business Review.

Sleep deprivation can lead to memory problems and muddled minds. Most experts peg how much sleep we need as adults as between seven and eight hours each night.

Sufficient sleep improves our functionality during the day, which can boost our productivity and overall life enjoyment. Ways to improve your sleep include going to bed earlier and at the same time each evening; begin a wind down routine 45 minutes before bedtime; and jot down your thoughts before bed. Also, turning off electronic devices—including cell phones, computers, e-readers and TVs—during your pre-bed rituals can help prepare your mind and body for bed.

Until next time,


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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
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