Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Take Advantage of Back-to-School

Whether your kids are in public or private, it's that back-to-school time of year. Here are a few ways you can take full advantage of a kid-free home (at least for a few hours a day).

Review your work schedule. Now's the time to make sure you're working smart while the children are not at home. For example, schedule tasks that require more concentration first thing in the morning, to give you plenty of time to finish before the dismissal bell.

Watch time-wasters. Make sure you're not frittering away work time by spending too much time surfing the Internet or updating your FB status. If you need to use Facebook and Twitter for marketing purposes, set a timer and do the promotional stuff first, then check on what you're friends have been up to.

Begin holiday preparations now. I know it's only September, but if you want to have a less stressful fall holiday season, it's time to start planning. For example, if you celebrate Halloween or dress up for a fall festival, start planning for costumes now to avoid staying up past midnight on October 30 hunched over teh sewing machine. Think about what presents you have to buy and what homemade goodies you want to make. Jot down a timeline that will enable you to keep up with your work, home and family while not leaving all the holiday prep until the last minute.

Check your tax receipts. Now's the time to do a quick inventory of your tax situation. Do you have all tax-related receipts from January 1 in one place? Have you kept up with your mileage (if applicable)? If you donate used goods to charities, have you entered the information into It's Deductible? This is especially important if you traveled for business over the summer.

Think long-term. All those projects you put off because of vacations or other summer activities? Get out your calendar and see where you can fit those into your fall schedule.

These are just a few of the ways you can kick off the school year with a refreshed outlook for the fall. I'd love to hear what my readers are doing to keep on track in the fall.

Until next time,


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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises