Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dating When Married

Remember those heady days of early dating with your now-husband? The dinners, movies and outings that just the two of you went on as you discussed everything from favorite bands to politics to religious beliefs. How many times in the past year have you been on a date with your husband?

I do realize that there are seasons of life when it becomes necessary to hunker down and stay in, such as a newborn baby in the house, sickness or the like. But I sometimes think we have a funny way of letting life overtake our marriages, too, and before we know it, we haven't been on a date with our husbands for way too long.

Finding the time for just the two of you--and I'm not sure falling asleep in front of a DVD in the family room really counts--is as essential to your family as putting food on the table. I'm a firm believer that a happy marriage is the best thing we can give our children, that the relationship between husband and wife is even more important than the parent-child one.

To that end, dating your husband should be a top priority, and finding reliable babysitters is paramount. If you don't have any regular babysitters, check with the teens in your church to see if they babysit. Try the local MOPS or other playgroups for leads, and ask other neighborhood moms at the bus stop or park. Start a babysitting co-op with friends.

Once you have a pool of babysitters, go put some dates on the calendar. Spend a few hours one afternoon making a list of things you could do together--them pencil those ideas in every month or so. Your ideas could be expensive, such a dinner at a fancy restaurant for your anniversary, or free, such as a summer concert at an outdoor mall.

I've tried to be diligent about doing this every few months, because our calendar will fill up with things to do, but not necessarily dates with my spouse. This is a great New Year’s Resolution, so don’t let January slip away without planning at least a few dates with your spouse.

Until next time,

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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises