Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Basic Manners

Some people might think the time for manners is past in our fast-paced and increasingly mobile society, but as a businessperson, brushing up on your manners might just set you apart from the competition. Here are some manner basics.

“Please,” “thank you” and “you’re welcome” never go out of style.

Remember not to interrupt when someone else is talking.

Arrive at appointments on time or even a few minutes early.

Turn off cell phones and mobile devices during meetings, lunches, etc.

Hold the door for the person behind you regardless of gender.

Keep to the right on sidewalks and escalators.

Make eye contact when meeting or talking to someone and offer a warm smile.

Follow up promptly on promised materials, emails, information, etc.

Until next time,


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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises