Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Conference Etiquette

Attending a conference has its own set of etiquette. Since most conferences cost money, “Conference Etiquette” has some great tips that can help you have a successful event.

Come prepared. Bring lots of business cards and/or brochures.

Wear your name badge but still introduce yourself to those you don’t know.

Ask other attendees questions to get the conversation started. Where they’re from, what they do, have they ever attended the conference before, are good places to start.

Approach small groups of people if you arrive at an event alone. It’s easier to break into a small group of twos or threes than a larger one.

At a meal event, don’t reach across the table to shake hands. Wait until everyone is served before picking up your fork.

Don’t talk while the speaker is talking. Bring a pen and notebook to take notes.

After the conference, write prompt follow-up notes to those who were helpful or who you need to thank for their assistance.

Following these simple tips can turn your next conference or convention into a great event.

Until next time,


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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises