Monday, January 2, 2012

Time for a Business Checkup

With the start of 2012, you should schedule some time to do a business checkup. Just as we need to see a doctor for a physical on an annual basis, we should also take a few minutes to think about how our business is doing. Here are a few things to put on your checkup list.

Goals for 2012. If you haven't written out what you hope to accomplish in 2012, then you should jot down at least your top two or three goals for the year.

Financial inventory. Knowing where you've come from and where you want to be by the end of 2012 financially can be a good way to keep your business on track.

Promoting agenda. How will you market your business this year? Write down at least three new or expanded ways you will promote your business in 2012.

Your dreams. What are your dreams for the business? This could be different from your goals, which should be more concrete. This is more along the lines of letting your imagination take flight in relation to your business.

These are just a few ways to check up on how your business is doing and to focus your attention on the things that need to be accomplished in this new year. Now go out there and get started!

Until next time,

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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises