Thursday, April 26, 2012

Work-From-Home Job Spotlight: Church Music Director

Each Thursday, I’m highlighting a work-from-home job or business.

Job Description: A church music director organizes and leads the music for a church service.

Education: Generally, a bachelor’s degree in music is requested.

Skills: The ability to pick appropriate songs for church, work with a variety of musicians, and assist the ministers with the service.

Job outlook: Depends on the area, but most churches do employ worship or music directors.

Possible employers: Check with churches in your denomination and area to see about the need for worship or music directors.

Preparation: Some denominations have associations for church music or worship directors, so joining that group would be helpful. Make sure your resume is up-to-date and be sure to highlight your music experience.

Get your foot in the door: Ask your church if you could help with the music to gain some experience, if needed. Visit other churches to check out their music program. Ask your pastor for recommendations in finding a job.

Testimony: Holly of Norfolk, Va., works about 30 hours weekly as music director of her church. “On the weekend, I have stuff that I do at the church, but during the week from home, I write charts for musicians, arrange the schedule, and take care of making other plans for the worship team,” she says. Working from home gives her much more freedom than previous 9-to-5 jobs. “Working from home allows me to do more with the gifts I have in a creative way. This really enriches my son’s life. He gets to see his mommy at work, and understand that even mommies have careers, whether in the workplace or at home.”

Until next time,


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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
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