Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rejuvenate You

With summer coming to an end and the start of school right around the corner (if it hasn't already started for you by now), now's a good time to think about refreshing yourself. "Tips to Recharge Your Batteries" from Small Business Trends has some ways to rejuvenate you.

Have downtime. Schedule time to not work. Don't wait until you're overtaxed, but work in regular breaks into your workday and workweek. Make sure to turn off your phone or walk away from your computer so you're not tempted to work while you're supposed to be relaxing.

Read for pleasure. Most of us have a "must-read" stack relating to our business, but we should also have books we want to read for fun. If you have trouble coming up with a title or craving out time for reading for pleasure, considering joining a local book club. Bonus: book clubs will get you out of the house for regular meetings.

Find personal enrichment. Sign up for a class in something non-work related. Pick up that musical instrument you played as a kid. Become a member of a local museum or theater group.

Work on checking off your master life to-do list. Call it a bucket list or what-I'll-do-when-I-retire list, stop waiting for someday and start planning to tackle some of those things now. Whether it's travel or learning a new language, come up with a plan and implement it. You'll be glad you did.

By enriching your overall life, you will find more energy and inspiration in your work. Now, you'll excuse me if I go finish Bleak House by Charles Dickens, my book club's summer reading pick...

Until next time,


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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises