Monday, October 11, 2010

Regaining Work Energy

To rejuvenate yourself for your at-home business, try these tips from Bloomberg Business Week.

Take a break from work. If you can't spare a weekend or longer vacation from your business, try scheduling an afternoon's worth of idle time. Do something fun with your kids or catch a matinee movie. Whatever you do, don't think about work.

Limit your use of technology to check in on work. If you must bring your iPhone to your son's soccer game, at least restrict the time you spend on it.

Schedule regular times throughout the week when business is the last thing on your mind. For example, when I pick up the children from the bus stop, I block out thirty minutes to spend with them, talking about their day and asking about homework, etc.

Have paper and pen--or PDA--handy for jotting down ideas. Help to keep your good ideas from getting lost by committing to paper or iPad those thoughts about your business before you forget.

Until next time,


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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
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