Monday, October 25, 2010

Using Speaking Engagements to Promote Your Business

Came across this article about "10 Tips for Giving an Important Speech," which has some good stuff about speaking engagements. Whether in front your kids or a larger group, these key steps can help you give a great presentation.

Be enthusaistic. No matter what the topic, if you're not excited about it, your audience won't be either.

Tell engaging stories. Make sure your illustrations have a point that ties into your subject matter.

Interact with your audience first thing. Don't wait until the question-and-answer portion of your speech. Engage your audience with questions at the beginning.

Rename your nervousness. Instead of butterflies in your stomach, think fireballs. Reoriente your idea of being nervous to your advantage.

Fix your gaze on one person at a time. When delivering a point, look at one person instead of scanning the room.

I recommend reading the entire article for more tips on public speaking.

Until next time,


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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
Site by Eagle Enterprises