Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bedlam at Bedtime

Q. I find it close to impossible to get my kids to bed on time. I’m a working mom of two kids ages ten and eight. I get home around 5:30 p.m. and cook dinner. We finish eating between 6:45 p.m. and 7 p.m., then the kids finish their homework and chores. Often, the chores or homework are not finished until 8 p.m., then there’s baths and bedtime routines to complete. It shouldn’t take this long to get them into bed by 8:30 p.m., but I’m exhausted by the nagging and staying on top of them. How do I get them to bed at a decent time?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ 

A. Who’s home with the kids after school? Are the kids at home with a babysitter or are they in after-school daycare? Either place should give them plenty of time to complete their homework before you pick them up or get home. Tell them that the rule is that they must complete their usual homework (excluding special projects) before you arrive home.

While you’re cooking dinner, the children should complete any evening chores. At their ages, they should be doing the lion’s share of cleaning, including setting/clearing the table and washing dishes. Immediately after supper, they should finish any kitchen chores and then ready their lunches/backpacks for the morning.

Finally, have them get in their jammies early and brush their teeth. That will give them time to play, have stories and relax before bedtime. Use a kitchen timer at first to help the children keep track of time. Even though they can read a clock, they still have trouble figuring out how to manage their time. A timer is better than a parent because the timer is impersonal and more authoritative. Whatever’s not completed by bedtime stays unfinished for the day—and yes, this includes homework!

Give your kids a few weeks to settle into these new routines, and bedtimes should come more easily and you all will face them more relaxed and rested.

Email Sarah if you have a parenting question you would like to see answered on this blog.

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Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
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